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14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day Five

Intermediate III
(214 Reviews)

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This class focuses on strength and balance. Fiji's strong vinyasa flow is peppered with power poses, foot balances and near the end, arm balance poses like firefly (tittibhasana). This one is very fun and you'll leave the mat feeling bright, strong and full of energy! Click here to go to Day Six.


  • None


  • Balance
  • Hips
  • Legs and Feet
  • Strength
  • Vigorous/Energy


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
January 14, 2016

Loving your challenge Fiji. This class was great, feels like we are heading towards forearm stands? I'd love to get there!

January 14, 2016

I appreciate Fiji's slow and steady approach to this class, with gentle reminders on form and position. With Fiji's instruction, along with Rachel Scott's excellent Chaturanga tutorial, I've learned that I've been a bit off on the posture. Dipping my hips too low and not having my elbows in proper alignment. My goal with yoga (and life) is to be healthy, strong, and injury-free. In this case, I'm concerned with preventing wrist pain/injury (especially after doing so many Chaturangas!) but will check out other tutorials on the DoYogaWithMe site. Thanks for another great class, Fiji!

Comment Replies

Fiji McAlpine
January 14, 2016

Holding plank is usually not what people want to hear but is a great option if your wrists are getting sore or you feel holding proper alignment is a challenge.

November 28, 2016

I am always cautious leaning on my wrists, since I have carpal tunnel already for years... But I realized that, the more regular and frequent I do yoga, the less I am aware of the sensitivity. I've come to believe that -as long as we are aligning our bodies correctly in poses-, challenging poses like plank or chaturanga do not hurt but help my CTS syndromes! :)

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