Rest and Recover: Spaciousness Back to the Basics Twisty Yoga for Beginners Feel Stronger, Be Softer
Form and Flow Upper Body and Arm Balance Happy Hearts

Subscribers Only

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Duration & Commitment:
22 Day Challenge | 25 - 51 mins/day

Power Up

Intermediate I
Fivestar Rating:
59 Ratings
Amp up the energy with challenging flow classes and recharge your batteries with restful restorative classes in between. 
25 - 51 mins/day


  • 2 Blocks

  • 1 Strap

What You'll Experience

Jumpstart your new year with the Power into 2022 22 day yoga challenge from

Enroll today and supercharge your New Year!

Our first week begins on Saturday Jan. 1, with the intention of establishing a strong foundation, a baseline to awaken to the midline and core connection.  

Our second week introduces heat, and fire with a playful side.  Building on week one with repetition of foundation, balance and core connection, we heat it up a little and challenge ourselves to play outside of our comfort zone.  
And, our third week is Integration and Expansion!  Pull it all together and courageously  explore your own edge! See what you can discover on your own, looking at your practice with a curious eye.
Each week has been carefully architected to follow a similar pattern, this will enable you to grow sequentially throughout the challenge.


Week 1

  • Day 1:

    Detox and Flow
    51 min
    • Intermediate I
    • Tracey Noseworthy
    • Block
  • Day 2:

    Rest and Recover: Spaciousness
    25 min
    • Beginner
    • Tianne Allan
  • Day 3:

    Form and Flow
    32 min
    • Intermediate II
    • Fiji McAlpine
  • Day 4:

    Back to the Basics
    25 min
    • Intermediate I
    • Kathi Ells
  • Day 5:

    Upper Body and Arm Balance
    38 min
    • Intermediate II
    • Jonni-Lyn Friel
  • Day 6:

    Twisty Yoga for Beginners
    32 min
    • Beginner II
    • Melissa Krieger
    • Block
  • Day 7:

    Happy Hearts
    34 min
    • Intermediate III
    • Crista Shillington

Week 2

  • Day 8:

    Feel Stronger, Be Softer
    31 min
    • Intermediate II
    • Tracey Noseworthy
  • Day 9:

    Rest and Recover: Softness
    28 min
    • Beginner I
    • Tianne Allan
    • Blankets, Bolster
  • Day 10:

    Foundations and Fire
    28 min
    • Intermediate II
    • Fiji McAlpine
  • Day 11:

    Kickin' It Up
    31 min
    • Intermediate II
    • Kathi Ells
    • Block, Strap
  • Day 12:

    L Shape To Fly
    36 min
    • Intermediate III
    • Jonni-Lyn Friel
  • Day 13:

    Building Heat with Twists
    30 min
    • Beginner II
    • Melissa Krieger
  • Day 14:

    Get 'Er Done
    32 min
    • Intermediate III
    • Crista Shillington

Week 3

  • Day 15:

    Fuel to the Fire
    26 min
    • Intermediate III
    • Tracey Noseworthy
  • Day 16 :

    Rest and Recover: The Power of Breath
    28 min
    • Beginner I
    • Tianne Allan
    • Blankets
  • Day 17:

    Balance and Motion
    31 min
    • Intermediate II
    • Fiji McAlpine
  • Day 18:

    Power Core and More
    30 min
    • Advanced
    • Kathi Ells
  • Day 19:

    Fallen Angel
    38 min
    • Intermediate I
    • Jonni-Lyn Friel
  • Day 20:

    Exploring Twists
    30 min
    • Beginner II
    • Melissa Krieger
    • Block, Strap
  • Day 21:

    How Sweet You Are
    36 min
    • Intermediate III
    • Crista Shillington

Week 4

  • Day 22:

    Flow with Ease
    39 min
    • Intermediate I
    • Tracey Noseworthy


March 7, 2024

I found it a great challenge, with a mixture of strength, stretching and relax.

August 27, 2023

Fiji, all your classes are spectacular! You are a wonderful teacher! Thank you very much for allowing us to practice with you!

Gilly Vanilly
Gilly Vanilly
May 24, 2023

Fabulous challenge, great classes and wonderful teachers! Tracey's last class left me wanting more and as always made me feel good (even whilst suffering with a bad ear condition)!
Thank you so much everyone. Sending you all love, gratitude and best wishes.
Namaste Gillian 🙏

March 24, 2023

I love this website and have been accessing it for 10 years now! I did not love this challenge however. The classes felt as though they were chosen randomly. I will go back to selecting individual classes daily based on how my body is feeling and how much free to me I have.

February 13, 2023

A twisty class largely on your back with a few slightly more challenging poses - perfect for beginners.
[email protected]
April 20, 2022

It was pretty good. Challenging at a couple points though not overwhelmingly difficult and I got through it. Made for a very relaxing Shavasana! Thank you :)

March 31, 2022

My review is for this whole challenge and not for this class. I did the program for 2 weeks and decided to quit and start a different challenge. This challenge seemed like a yoyo incorporating many levels and did not keep me motivated. Even though I liked the individual classes, the whole challenge just did not match my individual physical needs for my lower back at this time.

Mark Burgess
Mark Burgess
March 1, 2022

Really terrific set of practices, with a wonderful variety of instructors. Thank you!

Susan M W
Susan M W
February 27, 2022

Thank you. I have just finished the power into 2022 challenge and have loved it. Thank you to everyone involved in creating this challenge, and everyone involved in DoYogaWithMe - I am so happy that I can access all sorts of brilliant classes every day - so pleased I subscribed to this website 2 years ago after trialing the free classes for a few months. Susan

February 25, 2022

Loved it. Found it challenging but rewarding with excellent guidance.

Foxy Roxi
Foxy Roxi
February 7, 2022

Nice program to help you stay accountable with a daily Practice. I would say if you are used to longer yoga classes or been practicing for a while this is something you could do in addition to your daily routine.

Thank you for helping me to commit to myself.

February 2, 2022

Thank you, Tracy and all at DYWM, for creating and sharing this class and all the classes in this series. It has bee a joy to come to the mat and practice with you all. I have felt a huge shift over the course of the challenge. Very grateful for this opportunity. Peace and love ❤️.

January 31, 2022

If Pilates will help me look like Kathi, I’m in!

January 31, 2022

The overall aim of this class was great. It really clarified upper body engagement for m. It helped prevent some tension in my upper traps, which I have been struggling with in my practice lately. Thank you!
There were a couple spots where I could have used clearer instructions. First, during the one-legged dogs, I didn’t realize they were hip-openers. Second, I don’t know the yogic term for a yogic squat. I find it helpful when teachers describe it as a yogic squat

January 31, 2022

Amazing class. Felt energized and connected. Thank you Jonni-Lyn

January 28, 2022

Thank you to all the teachers who offered their voice and heart throughout this challenge. This was my first time fully completing a DYWM challenge and I look forward to jumping back in on the next one.

January 25, 2022

Clear instruction, gentle yet powerful poses and twists. Great energy from Melissa. Thank you!

January 24, 2022

This challenge pushed me into new experiences like restorative breathing and Pilates.I feel I would have benefited from an introductory/basics Pilates class before the challenging intermediate and advanced classes. I had to look at the screen constantly to follow instructions which strained my neck.The short class times (around 30 minutes) helped motivate me. Overall a great challenge and one I will definitely come back to!

January 24, 2022

A great series of classes that pushed me into some new territory.

January 23, 2022

A great way to start the new year. I especially liked the different teachers and styles in this challenge. It made me try classes that I would never have picked myself, which greatly expanded my (yoga)horizon. I am looking forward to try out more of these (for me) new things. Thank you for this fresh start into 2022!

Jessica Plitt
Jessica Plitt
January 22, 2022

thank you for doing this challenge to start the new year. It was just what I needed to get back into a daily practice. I really liked that you mixed different styles, especially adding pilates as I have been wanting more pilates classes and love the way Kathy teaches them. All the teachers were great. Thank you

January 22, 2022

Not a great connection from ur server today but I was determined ended up using my phone. Melissa’s instructions we so perfect I didn’t need to watch the movements. She also is wonderful at making the positions accessible and really made me feel better when she talked about her classes and how most people do not achieve the stretch sitting up most are on their backs. Thank u so much

January 22, 2022

It was a super way to start the new year with many challenging and fun practices.

January 22, 2022

Thank you DYWM, this was an amazing series. I was concerned about my ability to do it as a senior citizen and I am so delighted to have been able to move through an intermediate series. All of the instructors were wonderful and I grateful for alternatives and a gentle push here and there to something new. DYWM you have made an incredible difference in my life. Peace, health and stay safe all of you.

January 22, 2022

I just finished the 22 day challenge and loved it! I tried higher levels of classes than I ever attempted before and found that I enjoyed the challenge even if I wasn’t able to complete some of the poses. I loved the instructors and thought the mix between instructors and different styles and levels was great. Thank you for offering this challenge!

Melanie Lichtinger
Melanie Lichtinger
January 20, 2022

I notice there's quite a range of levels in the challenge.
Which is cool when you're on an intermediate level - to take it easy on some days. But I imagine it challenging for beginners not so intermediate students.
What's the overall concept for this range of classes?

Melissa Krieger
Melissa Krieger
January 27, 2022

Hi Melanie! You wrote this on my class as well so I reached out to Tracey (who helped develop the challenge) to get her input. Here is her answer from my wall -

Hi Melanie, thank you for your question. We wanted to offer the challenge to all levels and give students a wide variety of styles, challenge, rest and restore options along the way. We focused a little more on areas of the body on repeat days of the week and offered more of a deep rest day once a week. Encouragement from the teachers to guide the students to levels of physical practice based in breath, and to take the rest when necessary or desired. Tracey

Hope that helps! Melissa :)

January 20, 2022

This was the best 30 minute class! Loved some of the original moves ! Came in from a day on the mountain skiing and this practice took away all the kinks. Perfect. Thank you Crista!

Elsa Avila
Elsa Avila
January 17, 2022

Thanks for this class, but THANKS FOR ALL THE CHALLENGE it was so beautifully designed, well balanced, I will jump back again into it

January 13, 2022

I personally really dislike this challenge, which is way more "Exercise with asana" than real yoga. Classes have all this "scholastic" tone in their explanations which really annoys me.

On a positive note, it made me discover Kathi, which is really sweet! I'll keep her in mind for when I feel for pilates (which, at least, assumes itself as exercise and doesn't make cultural appropriation --- remember yoga is a spirituality, not an exercise. Adding a savasana and a "notice how you fell" or pranayama is not enough to make it spiritual)

If you want some tips to make better asanas, maybe that challenge is for you.

January 11, 2022

Loving this challenge so far. Great blend of classes and instructors!!

January 10, 2022

All my favourite teachers, and an exceptional slower flow pace! As a result, I’m far more attuned to my body and the rhythm of my breath. Yay! This challenge is helping me identify where body resists and where i can go further. It’s highly empowering - thank you, DYWM team!!!

January 10, 2022

Note that the Feel Stronger, Be Softer class is unavailable. All I get when I activate the link is a blank screen.

Thank you!
[email protected]
January 8, 2022

The link to the first class of week 2 is not working, I can link to the 2nd class but not the first

January 8, 2022

Same here (I mentioned this in the forums but am posting here too). If I recall, something similar happened briefly with Tracey's week 1, class 1 as well but when I tried later in the day, it loaded. I cannot seem to get Week 2, class 2 at all though. I've tried different devices, logging in and out, clearing caches, etc.

January 8, 2022

Just thought I'd add that if you go up to the "Practice" link at the top of the page and click, Tracey's class will come up at the top of the list and it will be playable. It's accessing it outside of the Challenge page/framework, but at least you can keep up.
[email protected]
January 8, 2022

I normally love every class, even paid while injured for a few months to show my support for the great work you do! But this challenge is difficult for me, I have a hard time accessing the classes, "feel stronger be softer " doesn't open at all and it's hard to navigate through the new layout especially from mobile.
And the very different levels and topics of the classes leave me by overdoing or getting distracted doing my own flow. I was hoping to get guided back to a more regular practice but this challenge is not for me 😔

Subscribers Only

Subscribers can enroll for free. See Plans
25 - 51 mins/day
22 Days