Hello, I'm David Procyshyn, DoYogaWithMe's founder. Yoga came to me when I injured my lower back for the third time, at 18 years old. I spent weeks on my back, taking pain killers, enduring boredom, feeling frustrated and contemplating my life. I didn’t know it then, but this was the wake up call I needed. If I were to avoid a life of chronic back pain, I would need to make some different choices.
Until then, my life was full of activities that were hard on my body - contact sports (mainly hockey and football), physically-demanding jobs and paying little attention to posture, diet and well being.
It was 1991 and alternative approaches to back care were not readily available, particularly in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan where I grew up. Driven to improve how I felt, I flipped through the Health and Fitness section in the yellow pages (remember them?) and found the only yoga studio in Saskatoon at that time, JNS Yoga. JNS was owned by an incredibly dedicated, skilled yogi who traveled yearly to Pune to study with BKS Iyengar. I quickly joined a beginner class and experienced my first class, which hurt (a lot!) but also brought me some relief.