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Saved For Later

Saved For Later

Public Basic 24 Items
  • loved it! not to strength intensive, be careful with the twists at the end

  • Perfect return to my practice.

  • Perfect for the morning

  • good for a mild headache

  • not bad for morning - woke up with a throbbing head and it didn't make it worse

  • Great class for lower back and upper hip pain (pregnancy) at the end - however a bit of on the belly work, not good for too late in pregnancy

  • great class for opening the shoulders, hips, back. Easy, careful on the twists later in pregnancy

  • Great prenatal class, short, possible with oscar

  • First full class after a year of no movement due to my knee injury and it was perfect!

  • This gave me a headache and I'm not sure why (did teh class in the afternoon and was feeling fine beforehand)

  • felt good on the hips

  • Did this one mid-migraine, it was okay. Standing up was hard, as expected, but I feel a bit better. Maybe I'll be able to sleep

  • very relaxing

  • Good morning class, minimal neck stiffness. Maybe I should try to do a sun salutation or two beforehand to try to loosen up my neck if I do this early in the morning again

  • I need to do this once every week or two to build up my core strength

  • Do some sun salutations and floor work before standing (she starts standing here)

    Also be careful if nose is weird - the first round of pranayama followed immediately by a forward fold kind of destroyed me!

  • absolutely loved this class! plus crista is just funny and a joy

  • loved this for hips and core! I got into yoga squat multiple times throughout which is amazing

  • excellent bedtime flow for sick days

  • amazing! I almost got into vishvamichrasana on 14.04.2024.

    Would love to revisit consistently to see if I can get a full expression of the pose.

    Also, I feel amazing.

  • perfect little happy, short class for hips and back. so nice!

  • Great class for a strong day! Lots of cool arm balances

  • just amazing. Crista is a hip wizard - hips, shoulders, back, all open and feel great