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Postnatal Back to the Mat

Intermediate I
(51 Reviews)
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Yoga after a baby takes particular care and attention. Fiji teaches this class only two months after having her own baby girl, supporting you throughout the class with her new motherhood and the depth of her knowledge and experience. Remember to honor what your body is telling you, particularly if this is your first yoga class after giving birth.


  • None


  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet
  • Morning
  • Vigorous/Energy


  • Prenatal/Postnatal Yoga
February 28, 2023

Thank you so much, Fiji. I've done this class a few times now and I feel so nourished and gentle but strong afterwards. It is incredibly restorative and I am very grateful, thank you.

Andrea M
September 14, 2022

Second time doing this class 6 weeks postpartum after my second daughter and twice as thankful for your caring direction, Fiji! I told my partner after completing the class that I feel more like myself again, more deeply connected to my body, especially the bits that are no longer being shared with someone else. Namaste!

April 20, 2022

Thanks Fiji - excellent class as always. I’m now 9 months postpartum after my second baby and it’s interesting to compare how this feels to how it felt 4 years ago after my first baby. Thanks for providing a great option for returning to yoga after many months of physical therapy to learn to live and exercise safely with my diastasis.

April 20, 2022

Thanks Fiji - excellent class as always. I’m now 9 months postpartum after my second baby and it’s interesting to compare how this feels to how it felt 4 years ago after my first baby. Thanks for providing a great option for returning to yoga after many months of physical therapy to learn to live and exercise safely with my diastasis.

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