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Maintain Alignment in Standing Poses

Beginner II
(143 Reviews)

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Understanding alignment is one of the most important aspects of yoga. It can be the difference between feeling good and experiencing pain after a yoga class. In this class, David teaches you how to maintain alignment in some of yoga's more common standing poses. Check out David's other classes on this theme: Maintain Alignment in A Hatha Flow Class, Maintain Alignment in Lying Poses and Maintain Alignment in Seated Poses


  • Blankets
  • Block
  • Strap


  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet
  • Spine
January 4, 2021

Thank you, David. I enjoyed it very much. Just beginning my membership and very glad I did.

[email protected]
December 6, 2020

Oh, I figured it out! My subscription had expired! NOW I can enjoy your wonderful classes again! Than you

[email protected]
December 5, 2020

really frustrated. trying to turn things around for me physically after surgery and PT. Have paid to belong for a couple of years even when not using your format. Then when I am ready to use it, I cannot access. Truly disappointed, David. Pls advise.

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