Embodiment, Interoception and Consent Conversation

Ron begins the class with a brief conversation about embodiment, interoception and consent as a jumping point to offer support and empowerment for yogis to adapt their practice, ensuring the best rewards for their time spent on the mat. The tempo of the class is generally slow, offering time to adapt and be present with the postures and the potential beneficial effects.
Key Pose(s) Include:
- Warriors I & II
- Side Angle
- Sun Salutations
- Twists Forward Folds Into Single Leg Balance
- Tree Pose
Thank you for a thoughtful, calming session. A new favourite.
Wonderful practice. Thank you.
Sacred Expansion is still your 'Masterpiece' class, but I loved this one too, but its till Sacred Expansion, which Ive done at least 80 times over the years!
Delicious body heart mind opening practice. I feel so peaceful and grateful!