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Happy Feet

Intermediate II
(216 Reviews)

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This class helps you understand how to use your feet properly. Rachel begins with some self care, then guides you through a sweet flow that keeps you aware of your feet, improving your practice, your balance and your connection to the earth.


  • None


  • Balance
  • Flexibility
  • Hips
  • Legs and Feet
  • Spine


  • Hatha Yoga
September 5, 2016

Thank you, thank you! I have been looking for a practice to really address my heal and calf pain and tightness; this was just what I needed! namaste

March 21, 2016

I play ice hockey but only started learning to ice skate as an adult. An adult with wobbly ankles, poor balance, and messed-up, deformed toes. Not ideal.

I'd be lying if I said I /enjoy/ this video--it's my least favorite regularly-scheduled workout, and routinely drives me to frustration and tears. But I keep doing it once or twice a week because it hits everything I need to improve my skating--balance, ankle strength, stretching out my toes, forcing me to think about where my weight is centered on my feet. It makes me miserable, sure, but that's because it's making me work all the parts of my legs and feet that need the most help, and it makes such a difference for me on the ice.

I never thought I'd leave a review that goes THIS YOGA VIDEO IS THE BEST BECAUSE IT MAKES ME CRY, but I don't know how else to articulate how strongly I recommend it.

Comment Replies

Rachel Scott
December 13, 2016

Hallo! I can't believe I'd ever say that I'm happy to hear that my teaching drives someone to tears, but in this case I'm glad to hear it. :) You've hit on one of the secret benefits of yoga: balance. Everyone talks about flexibility (which is good , too), but balance is one of those unsung heroes that we don't miss til it's gone. Believe it or not, I have balance issues too, which is one of the reasons practicing yoga is so important. Thanks for sharing.

December 18, 2015

thank u for this wonderful class...i wish more classes with rachel....i really like her instructions and the ways she teaches yoga. thank u!!

November 30, 2014

This is my favorite yoga class. I do daily cardio sessions with a focus on yoga over the weekends, and this is the best thing for my Sunday nights. Recently, I was starting to have minor foot aches getting used to a more active schedule. I went looking for yoga for my feet and legs, and I couldn't believe I found exactly what I needed! Also, I have practiced a beginner's form of Ashtanga yoga in the past few months, but this was the first practice I've ever done that helped me understand how you're supposed to roll over your toes in surya namaskara and I was thrilled when I managed to do that successfully my first time in this practice. :) Thanks! Also, Rachel is a great instructor and I really hope to see more classes from her!

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