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14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day Ten

Intermediate III
(140 Reviews)

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This class has it all. A nicely paced power flow with foot balances, back bends, hip and hamstring openers, twists and side bends. Fiji is thorough, encouraging and full of spirit on day ten of her 14-day yoga challenge. Click here to go to Day Eleven.


  • None


  • Backbends
  • Balance
  • Hips
  • Spine
  • Strength
  • Twists
  • Vigorous/Energy


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
January 19, 2016

what a great class - I couldn't do the last twist /under shoulder position but I love the fact there is alway a halfway. The time does fly by and I look forward to this 20 or 30 each mins of yoga each day for the first time ever. What to do when day 14 is finished?!

Captain Burt
January 19, 2016

Day 10 was a challenge in many respects, and it feels great to have made it through. Thanks for this 14-day challenge, Fiji and DYWM :)

January 19, 2016

Great class. I love the extra hip and shoulder opener at the end.

January 19, 2016

When watching this class this morning I felt I wasn't going to manage it, so I procrastinated all day. But finally, I dared coming to the mat, and low and behold! I didn't fall! I wobbled, yes, I had to fumble for support at one point, and I might not have looked as graceful as Fiji, but I managed to catch right foot behind me, even if the left still is a foot away from my hand. The 38 min. flew by! Now, I feel charged and happy! (Also, quite sweaty and a little bit puffed). Namaste!

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