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Planting the Seeds of Renewal

Intermediate II
(107 Reviews)

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In every moment we are planting seeds of what will grow. In this practice we will explore easy, fluid movement and notice our intentions along the way. Where does our mind go? What seeds are we taking care of in our body and our life?  The practice leads up to a full lotus with variations included.

Need to take it down a notch? Explore the 2023 Beginner Yoga Journey here.


  • Flexibility
  • Hips
  • Strength
  • Whole Body


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
Pam Palmer
June 21, 2024

Great class! Wonderful balance of effort and ease. So grateful for you this morning!


Wonderful hip opening practice.
And good timing today, under the Libra Moon, for balance & peace.
Om Shanti!

March 19, 2024

Loved this one even if my hips and legs aren't bendy enough for some of the poses. The flow elements were just the right speed for me to keep up. I really struggle with transitions so faster flow classes are difficult for me.

Matthew G.
January 6, 2024

Interesting class with an emphasis on hip opening. You might want a block if you have problems doing pigeon.

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