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Power Yoga for Shoulder Stability

Intermediate II
(162 Reviews)

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In this power yoga class, Fiji puts together a brilliant flow that shows you how to create the power and flexibility that you need for a forearm balance. She is calm and precise in her explanations, giving this class a focus and meditative flow that is unique and deeply fulfilling.


  • None


  • Strength
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Arms/Hands


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
August 14, 2016

Great shoulder class. I need to incorporate it into my weekly routine.

April 22, 2016

Picked this class because I wanted to go easy on the lower body, nothing more, but then felt a beautiful release from this smooth yet challenging flow. Really got focussed into the class, felt really light afterwards. Thanks Fiji!!

March 31, 2016

Fantastic shoulder strengthening class. I am recovering from a torn rotator cuff and this class, with the reminders to go slow and teaching proper stance is helping to strengthen my shoulders to avoid another injury. Not to worry though, I got the ok from my doc before starting.

February 27, 2016

I love this shoulder power! I am still struggling finding the right placement/focus for my elbows in dolphin pose, but I am feeling progress. Thanks, Fiji!

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