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Foundations in Flow

Intermediate III
(801 Reviews)

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This complete practice starts by warming the body, and then progresses into a powerful flow, moving with the fluidity of your breath. The flow builds sequences from the earth up while building core strength. The class ends by cooling the body with deep relaxation.


  • None


  • Backbends
  • Balance
  • Core Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Hips
  • Legs and Feet
  • Lower Back
  • Morning
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Spine
  • Strength
  • Twists
  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Whole Body


  • Vigorous Yoga


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
July 14, 2017

This is one of my favourite classes, I enjoy the balancing poses and the lunges so much! I only have one question about the feet in warrior poses. I have understood, that in warrior one, the feet should not be in line, but hip distance apart. And in warrior two, the front heel should be in line with the center of the back foot. In this class there is not any difference made between foot alignment in warrior poses. It makes me a little bit confused, and I jump between the warriors to get my feet in a way I think is correct. I would like to hear your advice for this little flow- disturbing thing of mine! Thank you for this wonderful website, I'm yoging with you weekly. :)

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Fiji McAlpine
July 20, 2017

I am glad you enjoyed this class, it is a classic! I also love your question and in reality I could give you a dozen different answers based on what I have learned over the years. On thing that has stuck with me from a teacher I greatly admire is the idea of conservation of movement in flow style practices. This means not moving the foundations more than is needed as you flow. For this reason I move from warrior one to warrior two by simply dropping the back heel and pulling it forward and inch. This gets the back of the foot parallel to the back of the mat and has it bisected by the line of the front heel. So in short yes, I have the feet closer together in warrior one when I plan to transition into warrior two.

July 20, 2017

Hey Emms! I had the same exact question as you so I looked it up in this excellent book of yoga poses that includes common mistakes and correct alignment. You were right to say that they are different; in Warrior I it says that the feet should have heel-to-heel alignment and the foot in the back should be at a 45 degree angle towards the front corner of your mat. In Warrior II the front foot should be perpendicular to the back and the back foot should be at a 90 degree angle, facing towards the side of your mat. I really hope this helps! If you'd like more detail or information about other yoga poses the book is called Anatomy of Fitness for Yoga: A Trainer's Inside Guide to Your Workout. The pictures are amazing and the descriptions have been super helpful for me. Good luck!

lori onion
June 25, 2017

Especially liked toward the end on the floor mat, the pose were you crunch your shoulders together with your knees....

June 21, 2017

Amazing class, and what a place!! The message at the end was really good also, and matched the scenery :)


What an amazing class with an amazing effect!
Loved the gentle, focused, strong and clear focus Fiji offers, the camera, and beautiful aesthetic alignment with rocks, ocean, sky, and horizon, and Craig's meditative flute. A whole piece of art embodied - translating into inner Yoga art in motion and stillness. What a treat!
Seems to be from Fiji's earlier days of teaching, and DYWM's early times? Out of curiosity, when was it created?
Joining the more than 600 raving yogi fans since then.
Bookmarked into 'classics' (if there was such a section).

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David Procyshyn
June 13, 2017

Thanks, Melanie. What a great review of the class!
You're right... in fact, this was the VERY FIRST class that Fiji filmed, and yes it was during the very early days of DYWM. We were small and back then we certainly didn't think we'd become what we have become!

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