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Flow Yoga to Energize

Intermediate I
(274 Reviews)

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This gentle hatha yoga flow class will wake you up in the morning, revitalize you in the middle of a busy day and can help lead you into a relaxing evening and a good night's sleep, when done at the end of your work day. Melissa shines as your guide, making the flow easy to follow and a fun, fulfilling experience.


  • Block


  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Morning


  • Hatha Yoga
April 13, 2016

I was feeling so unmotivated and tired today, and pretty much had to force myself to do a video. I was so happy I did. It was a perfect balance of relaxtion and exertion. My muscles feel they have been worked and I am energised, yet I feel very serene. Thank you :-)

April 3, 2016

This was exactly what I was looking for. I've never really given yoga a chance, but now I'm finding myself looking for a gentle way to get active as a part of my mental health regime and this sold me on it!

April 2, 2016

This is such a great class. I particularly enjoyed the slow, flowing warm up. You are a wonderfully peaceful teacher, and I never feel left behind or lost on your direction. And thank you for reminding me to breath.

April 2, 2016

Thanks, I teach senior citizens are people taking yoga for first time. This was a very good practice.

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