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Back to the Mat

Intermediate II
(405 Reviews)

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If you have taken some time away from yoga, whether it's due to an injury or other life event, this is a great class to get you going once again. Fiji slows down the typical pace of her class to spend time re-establishing yoga principles while moving you through a fun, dynamic vinyasa class.


  • Block


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Core Strength
  • Legs and Feet
  • Sleep/Relaxation


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
December 1, 2018

I decided to restart yoga a bit over a week ago with the first course of Fiji's 14-day challenge, and I was surprised to find it was completely beyond my current ability. I've been doing daily beginner / yin yoga since then to try and work through some of my stiffness, so this was my first foray back into the land of intermediate classes. I really appreciate the slightly slower pace of this class and that Fiji starts off with a gentler version of nearly every pose the first time it's presented, which allowed me to progress through the class without either sitting poses out or trying to push through my injuries. This is a really great option both for those coming back to the mat and for those progressing through beginner classes who want to challenge themselves with an easy to follow intermediate class.

July 15, 2018

It has been several months since I maintained a steady yoga practice. I saw this website and I really liked this class. I look forward to the other 29 days!

June 22, 2018

Thank you so much for firstly, offering this set of 30 day challenge for free. You have no idea how valuable this is to me at this time in my life. Secondly, I'd like to thank Fiji- the practice was awesome, straight to my heart and now an important part of my recovery from depression. I'm going to say something here and anyone who can relate please connect with me. I am a Messianic believer in Yeshua. I have heard over and over " don't do yoga because it will lead you on paths you shouldn't go". I'm so tired of hearing that. I've been practicing yoga in the " closet" for years. This practice today is such an important part of my recovery. I stopped life for a while- stopped doing everything that I loved! Finished, you were so kind and gentle in this practice that I cried. Thank you. Thank you for helping me and so many others. As soon as I am able I will support this yoga community. We are taking care of parents right now- an added financial responsibility- and we are retired. Offering so much for free here is deeply appreciated. Much love and Shalom from Japan.

Comment Replies

Fiji McAlpine
June 25, 2018

Hi Connie,

I am so happy to hear that this site and this class has been part of your path to healing. Yoga for me has been an ongoing process of getting to know myself, and what is true in my own heart. This practice was meaningful to me also, I had been away for a few months due to medical reasons. Coming back reminded me what an important part of my life yoga had become. Your story and others like it are why I stay motivated to film and share this incredible practice. Thank you!

June 7, 2018

I've been away from yoga for health reasons. This is a nice way for me to ease back into it. Thank you Fiji.

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