Renewing Power in Flow: Twists

Fiji redefines 'power' in this flow class by warming the body with vinyasa, then delivering a creative series of challenging twists. Highlighted by her amazing attention to detail, this vigorous class will leave you feeling blissed out and full of life. It is the first - and one of the shorter versions - of a series Fiji calls 'Renewing Power in Flow'.
This is still a favorite of mine!
Being beaten up has rarely felt so graceful! A true power class, mixing strength training with twists. A good class to try if you want to develop physical strength through your yogic practice.
Intensive! I'm so appreciative for the focus on detail in these classic and familiar twists, always taking my yoga practice to a deeper level! Also, first time I actually was led into "bear pose" in a class. It's one of my favorites and was such a pleasant surprise!