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Pranayama Yoga to Wake Up

Beginner II
(187 Reviews)

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Wake-up and clear your head with this short, but full, pranayama yoga class. It's the perfect combination of breathing exercises, including deep abdominal breathing, kapalabhati pranayama (the skull cleanser) and meditation. The diaphragmatic breathing helps calm your nerves before moving into the breathing techniques that wake you up. If you like this class, the next step is David's Pranayama Yoga To Move Energy.


  • None


  • Vigorous/Energy


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga at Work
  • Pranayama Yoga
January 3, 2019

Hey David, first of all, thank you. Second I had a few questions and I understand if you can't fully answer them:
1) Starting off everything is going well, but at some point my and upper back (which always tight) gets sore and starts to tighten. Do you have any advice on how I could fix this? Is it a common thing when using the abdomen like that to feel the back working or tighten?
2) When I start I do feel that "heat" or head rush when doing the breath hold, but once we start progressing I no longer feel that. Would that mean I'm no longer doing it correctly if, at first, I feel it and then don't?
Thank you!

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
January 3, 2019

You're welcome.
1) Your upper back getting sore and tight likely has to do with the way you are sitting. Do you remember in the first class of this challenge, I had you lying back on a rolled towel? You want that same feeling when you are sitting. A good way to test that is to sit against a wall and place the rolled towel in the same spot under your back. Then try to lift up and bring your shoulders back to the wall. It may require a lot of work, but it's training your body to sit in a way that your back muscles won't be working to maintain your slouching posture.
2) No, that doesn't indicate that you are doing it incorrectly. The movement of prana and the sensations you feel can be different every time you do it, sometimes dramatically different. I feel like it depends on how you are doing emotionally and physically at that moment. I often experience a 'clearing' sensation, which feels hot and intense and is followed by very little sensation and a sense of calm.

September 11, 2018

Is this the same as raising the fire energy in the body? My head got fairly hot during the retained breath portion.

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
September 12, 2018

Yes, the energy that you feel in the body can definitely feel hot, particularly in the head. It varies depending on the person, but heat is a common experience.

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