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Power Yoga for Wrist Injuries

Intermediate II
(76 Reviews)
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It's frustrating when you feel like you can't do your regular yoga practice due to wrist pain. Fiji shows you how you can maintain the same intensity level of a power yoga flow, while keeping the wrists safe. She takes you through a challenging flow that strengthens and stretches the entire body, particularly the shoulders.


  • None


  • Arms/Hands
  • Balance
  • Core Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Morning
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Spine
  • Strength
  • Twists
  • Vigorous/Energy


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
April 15, 2024

Great class even with healthy wrists. Sometimes I just want to give my wrists a break, that's the only part of me that gets a little tired doing yoga. Thank you.

January 2, 2022

Thank you Fiji! I had Carpal Tunnel Surgery and not only my wrist hurts but now my shoulders and neck ache. This practice helped so much!!!!

December 18, 2020

Thank goodness for you. I have a repetitive use injury, and this class gives me all the intensity I want without hurting my wrist! Sending you love, Fiji!

December 1, 2020

Thank you so much for this practice. I have long suffered from tendinitis in my wrists and this always provides the welcome relief when I’m having a flare up. After intensifying my yoga routine during quarantine, I started practicing on my fists as an antidote, but am worried I’ve made things worse because I now have pretty terrible pain on the outer joints of each wrist. I did a teledoc appointment and was told it’s likely just tendinitis and to rest up, but am losing my mind not being able to practice for the past week. It occurs to me that if I can find another few practices that have no arm balancing, I can use the modified sun salutation and have enough variety to keep it interesting while I recover. If you have any recommendations for other DYWM classes that might work for this purpose, I’d love your thoughts. Thank you for keeping me sane all year (and many years previous)!

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