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Humble Brag

Intermediate II
(55 Reviews)

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In this challenging intermediate class, we’ll explore all sorts of deep delicious hip openers, such as humble warrior, full splits, bird of paradise, and bound ardha chandrasana. This class is designed to knock us off our balance so that we can keep practicing a humble return to our own center.

Need to take it down a notch? Explore the 2023 Beginner Yoga Journey here.

Key Pose(s) include: 

  • Vasisthasana to Hanumanasana


  • Block
  • Strap


  • Balance
  • Core Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Hips
  • Vigorous/Energy


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
October 9, 2022

This class is kicking my butt and I can do almost all of it after a few tries! Really well-planned, balanced class!

October 8, 2022

Fantastic class (as always!). Side note: I’ve probably done every single Rachel Scott video on this site. Why, Rachel, do you *NEVER* call for Warrior I? Always been so curious about this.

Comment Replies

Rachel Scott
November 16, 2022

Excellent question! I'm not opposed to warrior 1 - it's a great pose - I just don't usually teach it casually as I find it takes longer to cue than, say, a high lunge. At least the way I teach it. So I think I usually default to teaching a lunge instead because then I don't have to cue to the back foot, shin, knee etc. Now that you've pointed it out, I'll have to make sure to include it in the next round of recordings!!! ;) You can also see my take on it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcaiakS6AWI

Elsa Avila
October 5, 2022

W O N D E R F U L and complete CLASS!!! Thanks Rachel and DYWM

October 4, 2022

Thank you Rachel for a wonderful practise. Your quote "the quality in our practice is not in the perfection of our poses but in the power of our presence" echoes in my head still and will do for a while.

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