Hearty Hearts

This full-length, challenging, advanced power yoga class will knock your socks off. The theme is heart openers, so it's full of backbends, as well as Crista's sweet smile, core work, hip openers, splits, deep shoulder stretches, spinal stretches and arm balances. You may just find yourself doing bow pose (dhanurasana), forearm stand (pincha mayurasana) and full locust pose (purna shalabhasana). Don't be worried, though. She takes time to warm you up and prepare you for what is coming.
Omg, I want to sing out to the world how glorious that class was! Juicy, challenging, deep and spiritual.
Great to follow the voice with your body, step by step getting to reach the poses, almost all the poses, ha ha
I just love this class.
A demanding yet relaxing class. Truly enjoyed it.