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Elevate Day 1

Intermediate III
(126 Reviews)

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This class can be done as a stand-alone class or as day 1 in Fiji's 14-day yoga challenge, Elevate. In this class, Fiji guides you through a thorough, well-rounded vinyasa flow, paying particular attention to alignment and setting clear intentions. A great class for anyone looking to remind themselves about important yoga principles, and the perfect class to begin 14-days of dedicated practice! 


  • Block


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Whole Body
  • Strength
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet
  • Morning


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
July 28, 2019

I was able to do that floating asana!!!! Great vibes during and after, thank you!!!!

July 28, 2019

A Little bit belated, I started the challenge today. I consider myself to be a beginner/advanced beginner, as for me, it really is a challenge. But I Keep trying. Thank you!

July 28, 2019

Thank you so much for this series Fiji and DYWM! This is exactly what I needed and I'm really excited about the next few weeks!
I have a question about shoulders/collar bones for anyone who knows! I struggle with them and really appreciated the guidence and focus in this class. When imagining the horizontal line going through the flesh and not the air in front, I wondered whether it was supposed to feel like a fair bit of effort to pull the shoulders back and keep them back and straight, or if there were other tips for getting them back without it being quite a strong (but not painful) feeling? Is that just because I have become habituated to having slightly rounded shoulders? hope that makes sense, and this class was so helpful and pleasurable.
Thanks so much again! Katherine

Comment Replies

Fiji McAlpine
July 29, 2019

Hi Katherine, great question. It does take a fair bit of effort in the beginning to hold the shoulders back and down. Especially so for those who have any degree of kyphosis (shoulder or upper back rounding). You are strengethening new muscles and training them to have a new habit which takes time and increasing flexibility where it has been lost. Awarness of the posture and attempting to keep the correct alignment will help you to increase strength and mobility.

July 27, 2019

Thank you for this and all your great classes. Life is much better with yoga.

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