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Chakra One Flow

Intermediate II
(300 Reviews)

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In this power yoga class, Fiji helps you connect with the energy of the root chakra (muladhara), while moving you through a flow that invigorates and ignites it. It's a fun, challenging class that helps strengthen and release any tension around the pelvis, making it a great class if you are looking to strengthen the core and loosen up the legs, hips and back.


  • None


  • Hips
  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Twists
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
November 21, 2017

Fiji, I loved this so much. You inspire my teaching so deeply. Thank you.

November 20, 2017

Thank you, Fiji! I've never experienced a yoga class that was trauma-informed, and you were brilliant! I'm moved by how healing and transformational this flow is. All my gratitude!

November 20, 2017

I was expecting an easy class, given its name, but wow! This class made me sweat as I concentrated on making sure my core was strong! It is nice to be at the point in my practice that I can see how concentrating on my muscles and breath distracts my ever-wandering brain. I am in integrity versus despair phase now (Erikson), and feel your chakra classes contribute to my integrity. Thank you, Fiji, looking forward to seeing you in Chacala!!!!

November 19, 2017

This practice is beautiful! Thank you so much!

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