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Hatha Yoga for the Heart Chakra

Intermediate II
(158 Reviews)

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Opening your heart involves a physical, mental and emotional shift that can be difficult without guidance. Sarah-Jane helps you to do this by teaching a class that brings you into deep heart-openers, backbends, spinal stretches and relaxation.


  • None


  • Twists
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Backbends


  • Hatha Yoga
February 15, 2017

I loved this! I am always so tired by the end of the day. This practice gave me the energy I needed to do evening activities! And, I relaxed and felt calm. Thank you.

David Procyshyn
February 14, 2017

Thank you everyone for the honest feedback. We have changed this class to intermediate level. The flow is a bit faster than what is common for a beginner hatha yoga class and it is overall challenging enough to consider it in the intermediate category.
All the best,
DoYogaWithMe Founder

February 14, 2017

I agree with everyone else. I quit this in a flood of self loathing and tears. I pick beginner classes as I am really struggling to get back to my mat and struggling with injury recovery and not being able to do what I normally can. I wish I'd watched it first, and saved myself the tears instead of trusting the beginner label

January 20, 2017

I've just read through the comments and I am so glad that people can be honest and open here and say what they like or dislike. That is so important in yoga and in life. I loved doing this after a very challenging tabata session - I did it in my kitchen with the wood stove roaring, very warm. But I wouldn't call it a beginner class. I like having shorter intermediate classes to choose from on those days when I just don't have time but want to get in some asanas. And I second the chakra idea - would love to see classes of this length devoted to the different chakras.

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