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Eye of the Storm Meditation

Beginner I
(36 Reviews)

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This meditation with Fiji will focus on the breath, to notice the inhale, the exhale, the continuous flow, two parts to the whole. We start by finding unity in our breath and we use that awareness to find unity within ourselves. Exploring the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body, the energetic body, the wisdom body that connects us to all others.

This class is Day 1 of Fiji's Calm in the Chaos program. Each class is very similar in style and movement, the intention and focus is what sets them apart as a progression.


  • None


  • Morning
  • Sleep/Relaxation
  • Stress/Anxiety


  • Guided Meditation
Martina B
November 2, 2020

Oh wow! I haven’t been able to feel this sense of unity and love for quite a long time now, thank you Fiji for this truth

November 2, 2020

Thank you! This was nice and short but after I felt like I had been meditating for about an hour! Sooo good!

November 2, 2020

Thank you, Fiji, for doing this. I started last night and actually got some sleep. So wonderful to have this tool to augment the stress of the moment. Namaste! xo

November 2, 2020

I also started this Monday, the day before our contentious US election. I'm trying to ignore the news and social media and take care of myself today. I am planning to go on this journey as a way to be resilient, calm and positive for my community, my family and myself. Fiji, this was a beautiful meditation. Tears of gratitude are falling now. Namaste.

Comment Replies

Fiji McAlpine
November 3, 2020

The timing of this project worked out in a way that the universe called for. In the face of all that is, we need to stand firm and voice all that can be.

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