Dancer's Pose: Balances and Binds
This is the first class in a series of four that leads you to the peak pose, dancer's pose (natarajasana). This class is a challenge to your balance, flexibility and strength. It's a fun class that mixes arm binds with foot balances, a vigorous power yoga flow and some wonderfully deep stretches for the whole body. It will also prepare you for subsequent steps in Dancer's Pose: Supple Spine and Shoulders, Dancer's Pose: Workshop, and Dancer's Pose: Playful Dancer's Flow.
Awesome class.
Vigorous and fun - love it!
Such an energizing class! Just what I needed this morning. Thank you Fiji!
thank you, Fiji. Great class. Although I was not as graceful as I could be I enjoyed it. A question: I have been taking this 21-day lower back challange. Some classess are harder than others and I am not able to do all the thing shown fully well. I have kept going for 12 days now, but I wonder whether I should have repeated the classes to be really better at them before carrying on. Or going on each day regardless of perfection is a beyter idea. I feel stonger for sure when comapred to day 1.