Chakra Two Flow

This dynamic flow with a focus on satisfying hip openers, lower back releases and poses that build a lot of core strength and overall flexibility. Within the vigorous flow, Fiji encourages you to connect to the energy of the second chakra (svadhishthana), which is located around the sacrum. The element associated with the sacral chakra is water and the color is orange. Please note that this class directly speaks to issues around the sacral chakra which may be triggering or sensitive to some individuals.
Love this class! I am working on my balances and enjoy the hips opener! Thank you very much! I will do it again!
Still so good.
Wow, the best hip opener I've ever had. I love how Fiji grounded the practice in locating trauma in our pelvis and accepting it. Feeling rejuvenated in body and mind. Thank you Fiji!
Lovely class, thank you Fiji.