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Bend and Bind

Intermediate I
(107 Reviews)

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This is a fun, challenging and fulfilling class if you like to get into the deeper stretches early on. David takes you through a quick Sun Salutation then moves right into a series of binds and deep stretches for the shoulders, legs and hips. You'll enjoy this one!


  • None


  • Hips
  • Twists
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Neck/Shoulders


  • Hatha Yoga
January 17, 2023

Easy for people with long thin limbs. The rest of us have to twist deeper, stretch more, and maybe lose some flesh around midsection (I know it helped me). Definitely not to do with shoulder or wrist injuries. But I love David's soothing voice and the relaxing ambient background.

Melanie Lichtinger
September 22, 2022

An oldie & goodie.
So glad I re-discovered this one / the early bendy ones with you, David.
Nice challenge, yet super calm & chill, in your voice & vibes. Reality check re: lateral a-symmetry & incentive to come to more balance.
And great to do Yoga with someone I know in 'real life'.
Happy Equinox & Day One of Libra 2022, btw!

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