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Bend and Bind

Intermediate I
(107 Reviews)

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This is a fun, challenging and fulfilling class if you like to get into the deeper stretches early on. David takes you through a quick Sun Salutation then moves right into a series of binds and deep stretches for the shoulders, legs and hips. You'll enjoy this one!


  • None


  • Hips
  • Twists
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Neck/Shoulders


  • Hatha Yoga
January 28, 2021

Modified everything, I am doing the transform your life 30 day challenge, and this class was just way to difficult compared to the others. This is definitely a specialized class for those who can bind. I don't believe it should be part of the 30 day sequence.

January 14, 2021

This class was almost entirely inaccesible to me, despite being relatively flexible. Would really appreciate these stretches if modifications were offered with more time in each pose.

November 16, 2020

Would be more effective if an extra minute would have been spent on each bind description with modifications for the many of us who can't (yet?) approach stretching like that. Either that or call it advanced.

October 11, 2020

It's always good to get on the mat, but this really was an impossible sequence of stretches for me. Sometimes I feel like I'm a different species from the teacher bending and stretching like this. Maybe my arm/leg proportions are just way different from the teacher's. I'd need to work out some major modifications to make this one effective.

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