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14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day Two

Intermediate II
(224 Reviews)
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In day two, Fiji takes time with each yoga pose to ensure that you are doing them properly, as you progress through the fourteen days. Slowing down the vinyasa flow, spending more time in poses like plank, chaturanga, trikonasana and bridge pose allows her to cue the muscles that should be active, creating a more solid pose and preventing injury. Click here to go to Day Three.


  • None


  • Legs and Feet
  • Spine
  • Strength


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
May 20, 2024

Both my husband and I truly find and rediscover ourselves newly when moving through slowly the intricate detailed simplicity of these poses- deep thank yous

November 28, 2023

She’s my favourite! Just love her way of explaining and teaching 😍

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