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14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day Two

Intermediate II
(222 Reviews)

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In day two, Fiji takes time with each yoga pose to ensure that you are doing them properly, as you progress through the fourteen days. Slowing down the vinyasa flow, spending more time in poses like plank, chaturanga, trikonasana and bridge pose allows her to cue the muscles that should be active, creating a more solid pose and preventing injury. Click here to go to Day Three.


  • None


  • Legs and Feet
  • Spine
  • Strength


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
April 24, 2020

Great class on the fundamentals Fiji, thank you. One thing I always have a problem with is I can't get a good visual or muscle memory feel for tucking the tailbone, possibly because I have a neutral pelvic tilt anyways. When the instructor says tuck the tailbone (which many seem to in standing or table top poses) are there some other muscle groups I can work on to get the desired effect?

March 19, 2020

Thanks again Fiji. This is a great session. The pose and posture explanations are super helpful, you offered many small alignment details that I was never aware of.

March 15, 2020

I always come back to this challenge when I've let my yoga practice fall by the wayside. I love that doyogawithme has kept this series free over the years; I've been using it since college! With COVID-19 keeping all of NYC indoors this month, I'm happy it's here to help me get back in the swing of practicing at home. Thanks Fiji!

July 12, 2019

WOW, such great alignment cues, which I know over the years of practicing I forget. Coming up into warrior one you really helped me align my back leg by engaging my quad and it felt so much better. thank you Fiji for all the gifts you share with this series and Do Yoga With Me. Namaste

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