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14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day Three

Intermediate II
(167 Reviews)
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Day three of your 14-day yoga challenge is a shorter class, so Fiji moves more quickly into a power vinyasa flow, with lots of transitions into chair, a few challenging foot balances and core strength workout near the end, to take you into a well-deserved savasana. Click here to go to Day Four.


  • None


  • Balance
  • Core Strength
  • Spine
  • Strength
  • Vigorous/Energy


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga

Thanks. After years of yoga classes, I already had the opportunity to correct a few postures. Very well explained! Look forward to the rest of the challenge!

Kat Colorado
April 4, 2020

It's finally warm enough to do this on the balcony and it was so beautiful. Thank you Fiji!

T L Cooper
October 3, 2018

I found this routine energizing. It's short and really focuses on form, which adds a challenge! Fiji's attitude is always so inspiring and encouraging while being so serene.

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