Grow Your Lotus

Happy knees, hips, and ankles - lotus (padmasana) - for intermediate to advanced students curious about supine, prone, and inverted lotus positions. Learn how to safely create a practice that provides and maintains awareness of joints, bones, and ligaments to move in and out of padmasana easily.
Key Pose(s) include:
- Padmasana
Wonderful wonderful class. Basha was gently encouraging with excellent cues and directions. This was a nice slow, yet demanding class. Lots of core work in poses that were creative with challenging holds. Settling into Padmasana and its variations was a cooling sensation to conclude the practice. Please - create more classes.
Namasté Basha,
Thank you for this challenging and at the same time compassionate class. I have difficulties with Lotus, but I managed to do half lotus, which for me is a big step. And that's thanks to your guidance and deep hips warm up at the beggining.
I hope you can do more long advance classes like this.
Wish you the best to you and all the Doyogawithme community.
A challenging, focused class that brought a sense of both compression and release.
seemed not as hard as the hanuman class, very good for long stretch, no sweat, some tricky poses. thanks for this great change of pace