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14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day Two

Intermediate II
(222 Reviews)

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In day two, Fiji takes time with each yoga pose to ensure that you are doing them properly, as you progress through the fourteen days. Slowing down the vinyasa flow, spending more time in poses like plank, chaturanga, trikonasana and bridge pose allows her to cue the muscles that should be active, creating a more solid pose and preventing injury. Click here to go to Day Three.


  • None


  • Legs and Feet
  • Spine
  • Strength


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
July 3, 2019

I am a 60 year old man who has been doing yoga for about 5 years. Along with swimming and long beach walks here in Costa Rica, it is my primary form of exercise. I used to be a gym rat lifting weights all the time and faking my way through cardio. When we first started doing yoga together, my wife (who's been practicing yoga her whole life), would suggest doing a "Fiji" video and I would be resistant because I found them too challenging/tiring/exhausting. Now, I crave them. I absolutely love your videos, they have helped me lose 25 pounds which I've been able to keep off. I'm going to take my first surf lesson as soon as we're done with this awesome 14 day challenge. Thanks so much Fiji. You're a life changer.

Comment Replies

Fiji McAlpine
July 4, 2019

I love these stories! Thank you for sharing, yoga can be transformational and you are living proof! I hope you enjoy surfing and all the other great adventures that are coming your way.

June 21, 2019

Great class, as always!

I find that when I move into warrior 1 the 45 degree angle foot causes a lot of stress in my calf and ankle. Sometimes I'll just point it out the same was as warrior 2 because it tends to build up tension and pressure doing it the "right way"

Does anyone else have this problem? Should I try to ease into the 45 degree angle over time or is this one small compromise I can make to listen to my body?

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Fiji McAlpine
June 25, 2019

Hi Krystle,

This is a tricky question! One of the reasons that the foot is turning forward is so that the pelvis can begin to turn forward. The anchor of the back heel make it so that the pelvis is never exactly square to the front of the mat but the edge you reach is opening the groin and hip flexor. If you turn the back foot out as in warrior 2, then try to square the pelvis to the front of the mat you would put too much pressure on the inside of the knee in that back leg. We don't want the accomodtion to remove you from discomfort to lead to more discomfort! On the other hand the tightness in the calf and ankle may be because of how the that joint is put together in your body and that bone is hitting bone in that angle of flexion. You could try to ease into the 45 over time as you were thinking, to see if you can open the connective tissue, keeping a good deal of pressure in the outer edge of the foot to protect the knee. The other option is to lift the back heel up like you would in a high lunge.

Comment Replies

June 27, 2019

Hi Fiji,

Thank you for the well thought out response, I'm going to try to work my foot towards the 45 angle. I'll be mindful of potential pressure in my knee in the back leg with the toe in warrior 2 position as I work it forward.

These sort of body cues are exactly why I love your classes, by the way! It's so great to have something concrete and specific to think about while I do my classes, especially as a primarily "at-home" practicer. I live in Zürich and yoga classes are just too expensive for me here.

Thanks again!

October 16, 2018

This is such a nice class of proper foundation and alignment no matter how long one has been doing yoga! It is also challenging in the poses as there are some long holds!! I really benefited from this class. Thanks Fiji for day 2 fo the series!!

T L Cooper
October 2, 2018

I had no idea I'd let my form get so lax until I started through this workout. I had a shoulder injury early in the year that required me to make some adjustments to my yoga routines, and I noticed today that I'm still doing some of those shifts in my form. And, then there were the places where I was just lazy with my form. This brought my attention to where it needed to be even when I wanted to protest. As I breathed through my protests I discovered new strength and flexibility as well as just how well my shoulder has healed. Great routine. I'm going to make a note of this one to return to whenever my form gets a bit lax!

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