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Yoga for Athletes

Intermediate II
(161 Reviews)
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Being an athlete herself, Fiji knows how to take care of the body when you are punishing it with regular, intense workouts. This class is great for any athlete, whether you are a runner, swimmer, cyclist, football player, hockey player or a lover of any other sport. This will help you recover, prevent injuries and move efficiently in whatever sport you choose.


  • None


  • Hips
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet


  • Yoga for Athletes
  • Yoga for Runners
July 3, 2023

Thank you Fiji! This is just what I needed to improve my hip flexibility as a life long runner. After repeating the session just once I can already tell the difference.

Liz Hanley
April 20, 2023

As someone who commutes by bicycle often riding 10miles or more multiple days a week, this is a perfect cross fitness class! Thank you Fiji 🙏🏻 just what I’ve been needing ❤️

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