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The Space Within Us

Intermediate III
(117 Reviews)

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What are we made of? In this Intermediate practice, Fiji reminds us that we are mostly comprised of space. That sentiment of spaciousness is then infused into how we are able to move within and between poses. This practice helps us tap into an inner sense of lightness, expansion, and energy.


  • None


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Twists
  • Strength
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Core Strength
  • Balance
  • Inversions
  • Legs and Feet
  • Morning


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
MaryRose Metcalfe
August 24, 2020

I appreciated this new knowledge and new ways of thinking about our bodies. The peak pose was not achievable for me but no matter - I took this time to practice crow pose and it's getting there - I love the feeling of the lift and I think of the trust I put in my arms and shoulders while in crow and just let the lift of hips happen.

Thank you,

July 24, 2019

Great class Fiji. I find myself on holiday with family in France again and not able to attend my regular class. it occurs to me today it is a theme for me to use this site when I am on holiday to top up on my practice! I first did this in France when I had not long had my daughter with one of your classes.
Your starlight has filled my day and I shall watch the stars later with the telescope in this beautiful part of the world with this practice resonating in my body.
I could not manage the arm lift but yet again attempted crow that I have been practising in class.

July 2, 2019

Difficult class for me -- the peak pose is a long way off in my practice. Yet at the end I felt quite calm, no sense that I had struggled. Fiji has a great way of connecting us to where we are and letting that be OK.

MC Lessard
April 13, 2019

Thank you Fiji for this eloquent space travel. I particularly enjoyed the words. I rated this practice a 3 just because I felt the poses were too advanced compated to other INTERMEDIATE classes.

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