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Rest and Recover: Spaciousness

(43 Reviews)

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Explore breathwork to quiet your mind, restore and replenish your body’s natural vitality.  Cultivate spaciousness and ease in restorative poses, releasing the daily accumulation of stress and tension. 


  • Whole Body


  • Restorative Yoga
January 23, 2023

I had some sensation in my sacrum that was distracting - is that just tightness that I should breath through?

August 28, 2022

Sadly, this really didn't work for me. The blanket under the sacrum didn't feel good, and the larger cushion under the sacrum makes the roll under the knees not big enough. Legs straight would not work and legs crossed was too much on my hip flexors. My feet ended up flat with my knees resting together until I quit because it was too uncomfortable.

I will say that I think most restorative poses are not universally comfortable. In fact, I've flared chest wall costochronditis through "restorative poses" in the past. It may be that restorative isn't restorative for me. I may be better off going to bed early that night or meditating. Best of luck!

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