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Relaxing Deeply

Beginner I
(69 Reviews)
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Slowing down your life enough to stop and rest can be difficult in today's world. This class takes you to that place of deep rest, encouraging you to go inward, calm your mind and nervous system and relax in a way that is deep, healing and good for you in so many ways. You will need a bolster in this class, so to learn how to make your own bolster at home, click here. You'll be doing kapalabhati in this class, so to practice beforehand go here.


  • Block
  • Bolster
  • Blankets


  • Hips
  • Twists
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Sleep/Relaxation


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Restorative Yoga
Gilly Vanilly
September 15, 2024

It's been a while since I last did this class and I'd forgotten how wonderful it is. Thank you David x

August 5, 2023

Very calming, the beautiful music helped too. Thank you!

July 8, 2023

Oh David, you are an absolute master at these restorative yoga sessions. I found this practice through your 3 week challenge for stress, anxiety and depression. I can see me doing this challenge on repeat- it has been so helpful in calming my mind and body.

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