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Progressing to Headstand

Intermediate II
(66 Reviews)

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This is the perfect video for those aspiring to do headstand or simply to do headstand better. Fiji guides you through a flow that prepares the body for the strength and flexibility that well-executed headstand requires. She then demonstrates how to move into headstand safely with a partner or against a wall.


  • Block


  • Hips
  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Core Strength
  • Inversions
  • Legs and Feet
  • Neck/Shoulders


  • Vigorous Yoga


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
June 14, 2013

This is an amazing class; a powerful flow and I just love the calm and precise teaching style of Fiji McAlpine. Thank you!
As usual, I could not finish a class that concentrates too much on inversions, but this is just because I have an angioma in my forehead that really hurts when I stay too much time with my head dropped down. So, it' all good: it's just the way I'm built :)
Again thank you Fiji, this was the longest I've ever been able to do lots of inversions and it's all due to your amazing ability to create well balanced and progressive flows :)

Ina Muresan
June 11, 2013

I was always affraid of going into headstand but this practice made me feel ready and made headstand feel sooo easy. I've been doing a lot of Fijis videos and i must say that she is an amazing teacher. Good job ! Namaste

May 8, 2013

This class was awesome- challenging but pushed me enough to successfully get my first headstand. I've never attempted in a class before, because I've always been afraid of falling on someone. I felt warmed up and ready by the time I reached that portion of the video, and the instruction was great. Thanks!

May 4, 2013

I have been able to get into headstand but not previously with the double leg lift. I also have been "dumping" too much into my neck. This class was wonderful in both the preparatory asanas and the actual headstand instructions. Great for my shoulders. I will certainly seek out more classes by Fiji!

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