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Pranayama and Meditation to Heal the Chakras

Intermediate II
(37 Reviews)

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David takes you on a journey through your chakra system using the power of the breath (pranayama yoga) and guided meditation. He builds the kundalini gradually, beginning with slow, deep breathing and progressing to a faster, quicker pranayama breath that culminates with kapalabhati (skull cleanser). The guided meditation alternates with the breath and in each stage you go deeper into your energetic body and the chakra system.

We recommend that you watch the videos below before beginning this class. 


  • None


  • Sleep/Relaxation
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Vigorous/Energy


  • Pranayama Yoga

Thank you very much David for this wonderful combination of pranayama and visualization to heal the chakras. You can really feel the effect right away after the session. Namaste.

August 5, 2022

I don't see a link for the classes you recommend we take before doing this class. Could you let me know what those are? Thanks so much!

January 12, 2021

Dear David do you have other advanced/ intermediate meditation pranayama excercises in your repertoire? Thank you for sharing!
Julia devoted DYWM follower!

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
January 18, 2021

Thanks for supporting us, Julia! Regarding the meditation and pranayama exercises, I don't really see meditation or pranayama being in levels. I mean, it takes practice to progress through different types of practices, but it's more a case of training the mind and the body to focus and breathe effectively. Do you have any practices in mind?

Comment Replies

January 18, 2021

Dear David,
Maybe it is more about (i) the length of class I like and (ii) the combination of practices. The other guided meditation classes I find are mostly shorter. I think breathing excersises combined with meditation practices (either chakras or others) is what I am looking for!
Thanks for any hint.

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
March 2, 2021

Hi Julia. Thanks for clarification. I filmed a couple of pranayama/meditation classes recently that we'll be posting soon. The intention was to help people with anxiety but they can help anyone.

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