Forearm Balance: Shoulder Stability and Mobility

This is Fiji's 1st video is a series that gives you what you need to attempt the advanced yoga pose pincha mayurasana, or forearm balance. In this class, she helps you with shoulder strength and stability, as well as flexibility and mobility. These are essential elements when attempting to support your entire body on your forearms, and Fiji also uses clear description to help you feel the weight transfer and source of strength to hold the pose. This class will prepare you for the next steps in Forearm Balance: Strong Core and Solid Base, Forearm Balance: Workshop, and Forearm Balance: Partner Play.
I can't believe I've never done this class before. It's so Fiji yoga...full of grace and strength. Thank you.
you know a good yoga class when you leave feeling like you are waling out of a trance and you body feels amazing :)
Love Fiji's classes ! she connects the physical -mental -spiritual parts of yoga practice while creating space to reflect.LOVE YOU FIJI!
I love that this class is so great for the shoulders, but doesn't completely forget about the legs. So many lower body classes completely neglect my shoulders that want some love too! I've been this class regularly lately- so great to work on strength and mobility!