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Forearm Balance: Shoulder Stability and Mobility

Intermediate II
(77 Reviews)

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This is Fiji's 1st video is a series that gives you what you need to attempt the advanced yoga pose pincha mayurasana, or forearm balance. In this class, she helps you with shoulder strength and stability, as well as flexibility and mobility. These are essential elements when attempting to support your entire body on your forearms, and Fiji also uses clear description to help you feel the weight transfer and source of strength to hold the pose. This class will prepare you for the next steps in Forearm Balance: Strong Core and Solid Base, Forearm Balance: Workshop, and Forearm Balance: Partner Play.


  • Strap
  • Block


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Inversions
  • Legs and Feet
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Morning


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
August 20, 2017

Forearm balance is scary for me: I am afraid to fall and I feel very insecure about my shoulder stability. Hence, this class was challenging. At the same time I am sure that if I do it more often, I will overcome my fear by increasing shoulder stability. This is the way forward! Thank you for sharing this class!

June 26, 2017

Ooh I loved this class! Apart from the shoulder work, and hopefully helping me move towards forearm balance, there was lots of good core work, and I felt it in the legs too! Thanks Fiji :-)

June 17, 2017

My shoulders frequently hurt, and I realize how much I need to focus on how I'm moving and holding my shoulders during my day. Thank you for helping me keep my minds eye on my shoulders and to strengthen them slowly and safely. Your guidance is reassuring and so easy to follow, as usual.


This was a good challenging class with clear instructions and an incredible back drop- Oh Canada, our home and native land.................
Love waking up to a new class !!

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