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Forearm Balance: Workshop

Intermediate III
(14 Reviews)
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Fiji takes everything you have learned in Forearm Balance: Shoulder Stability and Mobility and Forearm Balance: Strong Core and Solid Base, and applies it to this class, where you play with forearm balance (pincha mayurasana). This difficult pose, just like most challenging poses, requires an understanding of technique, along with the mental focus, strength and flexibility. You may be surprised now that you will be able to do things you didn't think you could before dedicating yourself to this series. Go for it! Next up in the series: Forearm Balance: Partner Play.


  • Strap
  • Block


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Strength
  • Core Strength
  • Neck/Shoulders


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
Gala Pérez Gutiérrez
December 12, 2020

Thank you Fiji for this wonderful workshop, it was really what I needed! Your classes are unique and the energy at the end is clear and light. Namaste!

February 13, 2020

What a wonderful practice and Fiji is such a great teacher!

January 19, 2019

I had worked on this work a few weeks last year but became frustrated and moved away. I came back to it again and I can at least feel the need for shoulder strength more. I’ll come to this more regularly but I don’t know how to accept my frustration and keep trying at something I feel is beyond me. This particular move is getting to me.

June 27, 2018

Could you please tell me, or reference in the description, the first two videos that are mentioned? I would be very interested in doing them! :)

Thank you for this workshop. I really enjoyed the instruction and the Surya Namaskar in the beginning to warm up. Namaste.

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