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Forearm Balance: Shoulder Stability and Mobility

Intermediate II
(77 Reviews)

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This is Fiji's 1st video is a series that gives you what you need to attempt the advanced yoga pose pincha mayurasana, or forearm balance. In this class, she helps you with shoulder strength and stability, as well as flexibility and mobility. These are essential elements when attempting to support your entire body on your forearms, and Fiji also uses clear description to help you feel the weight transfer and source of strength to hold the pose. This class will prepare you for the next steps in Forearm Balance: Strong Core and Solid Base, Forearm Balance: Workshop, and Forearm Balance: Partner Play.


  • Strap
  • Block


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Inversions
  • Legs and Feet
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Morning


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
June 1, 2020

McAlpined - see also "Fiji-ed" verb (past tense) - the sensation of "what did I do to myself?!" followed quickly by the realisation "Oh yeah, a Fiji class" while experiencing (not bad, but surprising) muscle soreness several hours after talking a Fiji McAlpine yoga class.

I've been McAlpined by this class twice and I expect it will happen several more times. I really notice improvements in shoulder mobility and strength.

July 15, 2019

Wow! My shoulders feel so warm and wonderful right now...I'm sure I'll be a little sore in a good way tomorrow. Thank you for another fantastic class, Fiji. You are my favorite and I'm having a hard time branching out to any other teachers as I love the way you lead me through each practice with clarity, calm, and strength! I just keep learning more and more!

March 17, 2019

Thanks for this class. My shoulders and neck have been bothersome lately. The stretches in this class feel so good and I'm more aware of my shoulder muscles. I'm going to pull my shoulders down throughout the day as I have a tendency to hunch them.

December 3, 2018

I had not done this video for a while, and I remembered how great that last shoulder stretch feels. I wish more of the shoulder-focused videos on this site included that stretch, because it is so intense but in a really good way. Anyway, this is another great Fiji class, hallelujah! My shoulders feel amazing now.

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