Chakra Five Flow

Fiji's class that she dedicates to the Vishuddha chakra, or the throat chakra, is a moderate intermediate class with an accessible flow for most intermediate students. You'll feel your body getting charged with a power yoga class that stretches the body in a variety of ways, then Fiji cools you down with inversions (shoulder stand and plough), followed by fish pose, a lovely chant and savasana. The fifth chakra is associated with the color blue and the element is akasha (ether).
A beautiful balance of chakra clearing and enough movement and strength focus to feel worked out.
It would be lovely to have the chant in writing somewhere so that those of us whose ears aren’t the best can join.
I am enjoying and learning from these Chakra classes. After today have the intention of doing them all again - they are so helpful.. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and yoga skills with us. :)
Fun class focusing on an area that I usually don't consider much during my practice.