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Beginner Basics in Flow

Intermediate I
(255 Reviews)
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In this class, Fiji takes you through a slow, deliberate flow practice that emphasizes the fundamentals in proper alignment. It is an intelligently guided vinyasa class that will renew your sense of connection to precise body positioning, while building the energy of a fun, vigorous power flow yoga class.


  • None


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Strength
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet


  • Vigorous Yoga


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
February 2, 2024

It is always a gift to practice with you, Fiji. Your commitment to the integrity of alignment is refreshing. I have a question about how to breathe properly while engaging the lower bandhas. When the abdomen is engaged, should I be funneling my breath laterally into my ribs instead of down? Thank you for your time and dedication to this practice.

Comment Replies

Fiji McAlpine
February 8, 2024

Great Question! When the bandhas, you have the ability to reorient your breath from mere belly breathing to a full expansion of the full circumference of your lungs, and to invite more breath into the back body.

Gilly Vanilly
September 29, 2023

Wow! Juicy juicy!
I struggled with this class but I stayed committed and so pleased that I did. By the end I was so grateful for everything and felt such bliss I extended the savanna to savour it more.
Many thanks Fiji, you are great!!

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