Yin/Yang Yoga for the Spine

Sarah-Jane begins with a yang flow, which is full of energy, movement and challenging poses, to warm and prepare the body for 30 minutes of yin. The heat generated during the first 20 minutes makes the yin poses - the deeper spinal bends and twists - feel so good you'll want to spend a lot more time in savasana.
Nice Yang/Yin flow
Thank you
Wonderful practice for the back. Helps with stiffness.
Very nice! I missed some cues. I appreciated the modifications offered, except for the half saddle. I remain confused how backbends and lower back compression can be done (or even good) for a tight lower back. I couldn't find a modified position for half saddle, especially when my body had already cooled off by that point. On a positive note, I'm inspired to do more yin practices!