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Playing with Energy

Intermediate I
(105 Reviews)

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In this gentle intermediate, movement-oriented hatha yoga class, Ron explores what it means to play with energy, accept pleasure as a part of your practice (rather than pain), and deepen your experience of release using the breath. His creative style makes the class feel like a continual movement, while stretching the spine and releasing the hips, legs and shoulders. Note: Ron doesn't address this, but you may need something to sit on at the beginning of the class.


  • None


  • Twists
  • Strength
  • Balance
  • Morning


  • Hatha Yoga
[email protected]
August 21, 2024

Ron, "Playing with Energy" was absolutely perfect and it works as you said it would. I did not feel the time. I so very much look forward to doing it again. Cathy.

February 11, 2024

this was't my favorite. the heavy breathing and music wa s distracting. the four counts of breath in the beginning couldn't sustain because Ron went a little faster at times

November 26, 2023

Many of the transitions did not feel natural to me and I had to look at the screen for guidance more than I usually have to.

August 5, 2023

Coming onto the mat I was tense, headache, low energy. Afterwards no headache, full of positivity. Thanks Ron!

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