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Gentle Yoga for the Neck

Beginner I
(127 Reviews)

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Do you have a sore neck? Do you often get headaches? This short beginners yoga class takes you through how to stretch all of the major muscle groups of the neck, including those that are commonly responsible for headaches. It's a gentle yoga class that will make your neck feel so very good once you're done.


  • None


  • Neck/Shoulders


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga at Work
  • Yoga for Seniors
July 16, 2019

Simple does it. Wow. I paused the video a couple of times so I could hold a particularly tense position. I did this after I practiced a vinyasa video; great pairing as my body was loose and relaxed before I went into these delicate positions.

January 25, 2019

I have suffered with a stiff neck for some time. I know David offers several neck yoga videos of different time lengths of time and all are good. This short one is effective when you have little time, as I usually do. Thank you. The second circling of the neck was so much easier than the first. :-)

January 23, 2019

My neck gets stiff from breast feeding at night this stretch really helps my neck loosen up

Toni g
September 26, 2018

Brilliant series for a stiff neck! Been having discomfort for a few months .
Woke up yesterday with a really stiff,sore neck and thought I would really have to make an appointment with a physiotherapist. But first I decided to look for a practice on the internet. Found this one and did it, not thinking that it would have an effect. This morning about half an hour after getting up I realised that the stiffness and pain had almost completely disappeared. I couldn't believe it.
Thank you so much for sharing☺ .

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