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Gentle Yoga for the Neck

Beginner I
(127 Reviews)

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Do you have a sore neck? Do you often get headaches? This short beginners yoga class takes you through how to stretch all of the major muscle groups of the neck, including those that are commonly responsible for headaches. It's a gentle yoga class that will make your neck feel so very good once you're done.


  • None


  • Neck/Shoulders


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga at Work
  • Yoga for Seniors
April 15, 2015

I love this stretch. I have arthritis in my neck and it has been a lifesaver for me; reducing my headaches and numbness in my hands and arms. Highly recommend!

March 31, 2015

I wanted to take a second to thank you. This has been a life saver for me, many times. Again thank you so much!

February 8, 2015

I thought the stretches felt terrific! I particularly appreciated when David said, "you should be feeling this..." because that helped me find the most effective positioning. The only downside was the awful "music"! It was distracting/annoying and kind of made me want to stop the video after the first couple minutes.

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
February 10, 2015

Hi lady_racer.

Thanks for the feedback. Sorry you aren't a big fan of the music, though! I like the meditative, wave-like feel of it, but I realize it isn't for everyone.

Take care,

DoYogaWithMe.com Founder

desert jj
November 6, 2014

I had a neck injury 15 years ago and rely on a chiropractor to help me but this is helping me to go longer between visits. I am so excited to get up and do these stretches daily now.

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