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Yoga Nidra for Sleep

(170 Reviews)

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Jennifer Piercy takes you through a beautifully guided Yoga Nidra for Sleep meditation. Her deeply calming voice penetrates into your very soul, instilling a sense of internal peace and leaving you feeling incredibly relaxed, present and rejuvenated. Try Jennifer's two other albums: Yoga Nidra with Jennifer Piercy and Yoga Nidra: Sleep Sessions.


August 11, 2023

This specific meditation has been saving me for almost 10 years now!!! I suffered from insomnia, and I could not believe that this is only 20 minutes long, because 90% I don’t even get close to the end of it. Thank you so much for your service. I’m sure this has helped prevent many mental and physical illnesses. 🙏 I have it saved on my homescreen as an “app” and use it whenever I need. But this has also greatly reduced my insomnia, because it gave me confidence again, that I can fall asleep.

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