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Yoga for the Hips, Hamstrings and Back

Beginner I
(379 Reviews)

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This online hatha yoga class is perfect for athletes who are looking for a routine they can do to lessen stiffness and risk of injury due to training. It stretches the hips, hamstrings and lower back repeatedly throughout the class, which is an effective way to quickly increase flexibility.


  • Strap


  • Hips
  • Twists
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet
  • Sleep/Relaxation
  • Lower Back


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Athletes
  • Yoga for Runners
  • Yoga for Back Care
David Procyshyn
January 1, 2012

That was very nice of you to send, Earl. You really made my day.
All the best to you and your family.

January 1, 2012

this was the first time i tried yoga, my wife has some limited experience , and my daughter is 5 and we all were able to follow your direction with ease. It felt great i have been cycling almost 12 miles a day for the last month and was really surprised how much help this was for my lower back and hip area my wife had smiler relief in her lower back which she is has always had issues with . Just wanted to thank you from, me and my family

SGT. Earl McConnell and family

David Procyshyn
September 5, 2011

The body has a funny way of telling you what to pay attention to. Often when tension is released in one area, it shows up intensely in another. It doesn't necessarily mean that you did something to cause it, it just means that the 'catch' you felt in your hip may have been holding the hip in a certain way that masked the imbalance in your SI joint.

You may find the pain will subside as you get deeper into the hips, hams and lower back. Please let me know how it goes...

September 5, 2011

That actually made my back pain worse! Not sure what I did, and whether it was wrong, but the "catch" in my left hip is gone, but now my sacroiliac area hurts like the dickens!

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